Intermediate #24 - A Different Kind of Mid-air Crisis in Hong Kong

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Summary: Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- A: 各位乘客,由於特殊嘅原因,飛機將會馬上掉頭,飛返出發地機場。為各位帶嚟嘅不便,非常抱歉。 B: 特殊原因?有幾特殊啊?你解釋俾我聽! A: 機長老婆打電話嚟,話就快生得。 B: 飛機唔係唔准打電話嘅咩? A: 係你哋唔准啫! B: 但係......生仔關取消航班咩事啊? A: 因為機長已經成年冇返過屋企喇。 ----English---- A: Dear passengers, for exceptional reasons, our plane will fly back to the departure airport shortly. We apologize to all of you for the inconvenience, and we are very sorry. B: Exceptional reasons? How exceptional? Explain to me! A: The pilot's wife called and said she's going into labor. B: Aren't phone calls forbidden on planes? A: Indeed, for passengers. B: But...why do we have to cancel the flight for that? A: Because the captain hasn't been home for a year. ----Pinyin---- A: gok3 wai2 sing4 haak3, jau4 jyu1 dak6 syu4 jyun4 jan1, fei1 gei1 zoeng1 wui5 maa5 soeng6 diu6 tau4, fei1 faan2 ceot1 faat3 dei6 gei1 coeng4. wai6 gok3 wai2 daai3 lei4 ge3 bat1 bin6, fei1 soeng4 pou5 hip3. B: dak6 syu4 jyun4 jan1 ? jau5 gei2 dak6 syu4 aa3 ? nei5 gaai2 sik1 bei2 ngo5 teng1 ! A: gei1 zoeng2 lou5 po4 daa2 din6 waa2 lei4, waa6 zau6 faai3 sang1 dak1. B: fei1 gei1 m4 hai6 m4 zeon2 daa2 din6 waa2 ge3 me1 ? A: hai6 nei5 dei6 m4 zeon2 ze1 ! B: daan6 hai6.. saang1 zai2 gwaan1 ceoi2 siu1 hong4 baan1 me1 si6 aa3 ? A: jan1 wai4 gei1 zoeng2 ji5 ging1 seng4 nin4 mou5 faan1 gwo3 uk1 kei2 laa6. --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!