LOTRO Reporter Episode 163 – Where’d I Put My Crazypants?

LOTRO Reporter Podcast show

Summary: Chris, Cari, and Layanor talk about Crazypants, Update 9, and Hobby Horses. Listen now: What We Did This Week Cari- Tried Barad Guldur again. We needed more tanks. Did some questing in the Wold and followed the Epic Story some. Played in the Saturday night BBB concert. Did that epic quest called Downloading Bullroarer. Did some poking around on Bullroarer. Layanor- Still rebuilding Layanorville. Missed a few days in a row so it will take longer. Did /played and realized I have almost been playing 1 character for a years worth of in game time. “You have been playing for: 11 months 3 weeks 1 day 16 hours 35 minutes 39 seconds”. My new PC build can handle more than two 24 man moors raids going head to head on ultra high without a hitch. Chris- Working my way through The Norcrofts. Story has picked up the pace. Still not a fan of the “Help X, Y and Z and come back” quests. Am I just old and bitter?   News Rohan Public Instances Closed http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?491155-Temporary-closure-of-specific-Public-Instances The public instances that are closed are: Public Instance: The Siege of Eaworth Public Instance: Defence of Faldham Public Instance: Defence of Walstow Public Instance: Defence of Harwick The Farms of the Norcrofts Players were summoning low level alts to sit inside of the instance to keep it open past the intended amount of time. They would sit in spots and kill easy mobs that respawn quickly for cash and some rare recipe drops. Were told this was 80gold per hour, 100g if you were fast at grabbing a lot of mobs.   Turbines new 50$ Trojan horse http://biobreak.wordpress.com/2012/11/30/turbine-shark-jumping-and-50-horses/ Syp’s thoughts on the Dev post about the 5000 TP hobby horse on the test server. Turbine’s introducing a toy hobby horse to the store (at least on the test server) that costs 5000 Turbine Points Turbines response is “Any rants about how evil Turbine is for making store items, even those that are entirely optional and up simply for the fun of those who are willing to pay for them, will be disregarded. This item is an experiment item. We simply want your feedback on the type of item presented and what might be added to it or done to it to make it a better item. We are not forcing you to buy it. No one is forcing you to buy it. It’s something to be there and be fun for those who may want it.” This post basically means they have made the item and will use it. They only want feedback on how useful the item will be. The horse will be around 62%-68% speed. Turbine seems to be throwing anything at us lately just to make some cash. http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?&postid=6557058#post6557058 The developers have been following this feedback over the weekend. The Hobby Horse will now not be going live with that price point. xRaina - They are experimenting with items and pricing on the store. This test was, as is obvious from your feedback, unsuccessful. The feedback was somewhat expected. xRaina - The reason I don't read the rants is that I can't figure out what to tell the developers you don't like from rants. Is it the idea? Is it the implementation? Is it the sparkle effect? Is it the pig noises? In all seriousness, I love reading detailed posts, even if your overall thoughts are that you absolutely hate something. Rants and complaints are two different things. Rants accomplish nothing, while complaints give the developers a stepping point in improving things and making them more rewarding and enjoyable. Bullroarer Patch Notes http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?490766-Update-9-Against-the-Shadow-PRELIMINARY-Release-Notes%28B2%29-SUBJECT-TO-CHANGE All quests in Frostbluff and the Festival Races are now daily quests and can be reset with Festival Tokens. The Eating Contest advances your festival completion deeds on the first step, but will not grant a free retry on failure.