Finding the Living with Thomas MacEntee

Research at the National Archives&Beyond show

Summary:   Special guest Thomas MacEntee provided a lively discussion on resources to find the living.  Michael Williams  also shared his journey to find his biological family.  Thomas MacEntee is a professional genealogist specializing in the use of technology and social media to improve genealogy research and as a way to connect with others in the family history community. Michael Williams author of Black Essence Grammy Award Winning Memoir Native Womb: Going Back To The Beginning (A foster childs journey to connect with his family).  He began his life journey as a foster child in New York City's Child Welfare System and was placed in Angel Guardian Fostercare agency.  Inspite of insurmountable odds, Michael went on to become a Pennsylvanian Board of Governor's Scholarship recipient alumnus of Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) and holds a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Communications Media with minor academic concentrations in Pan- African and Musical Theater Studies.        Theme music - Sweet Mello Spice by composer / producer Alvin K. Alexander.