04/20/08 The Way, The Truth, and The Life


Summary: Homily from the Fifth Sunday of Easter. "What’s true has to be more than just what’s true for me or true for you. Sometimes we hear people say, “There is no such thing as absolute truth.” It’s really easy to talk to those people because all you have to say is, “Okay there’s no such thing as absolute truth? Is that true? Is that ABSOLUTELY true that there is no such thing as absolute truth?” Well then all of a sudden there IS absolute truth somewhere. “You can’t know absolute truth.” “Are you sure? Because if you know that, then you CAN know absolute truth.” Readings from April 25, 2008: First Reading: Acts 6:1-7 Psalm: Psalm 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19 Second Reading: 1 Peter 2:4-9 Gospel: John 14:1-12