04/27/08 The More You Know...


Summary: Homily from the Sixth Sunday of Easter. "What is it they [people who are questioning their faith] really want to hear? What they really want to hear, in a lot of ways, they want to hear that word that sets them free. Don't you just want to hear that word that says, 'You know what? Jesus died for YOU,' and have that penetrate into your heart? Don't you want to hear that word that says, 'You know how you're carrying around those heavy weights, those heavy chains? You don't have to, you can be set free from that kind of life!'?" Readings for April 27, 2008: Acts 8:5-8, 14-17 Psalm 66:1-7, 16, 20 1 Peter 3:15-18 John 14:15-21