10/31/10 The Art of Living: What Is Our Response?


Summary: Homily from the Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time. "If we think the Art of Living is just 'Avoid bad stuff,' then we're totally missing out on what it is to really live, we're totally missing out on the point of Christianity. It's not just about being good and not being bad. It's not just about going to Heaven and not going to hell. Being a Christian is the result of meeting a Guy named Jesus, it's the result of, like Zacchaeus, encountering Him and saying, 'I need.,.I want..I can be the someone that I've always wanted to be.' Brothers and sisters, you can be that someone you've always wanted to be." Mass Readings from October 31, 2010: Wisdom 11:22-12:2 2 Thessalonians 1:11-2:2 Luke 19:1-10