12/12/10 Worship: Instituted, Not Invented


Summary: Homily from the Third Sunday of Advent. "It's not just about words. At every Mass, it's Jesus pouring Himself out to the Father. What's the priest doing? He is standing at the altar, pouring himself out through Jesus to the Father. And if you guys are kingdom priests, and the priest is standing at the altar, Jesus is pouring Himself out not just in words but in actions, and the priest is pouring himself out not just in words, but in actions, here you are in silence joining your hearts to the heart of the priest, the heart of Jesus, and you're pouring yourself out, not just in words, but in actions. Oh my gosh, can you believe this? This is insane! This is incredible! This is being conformed to Christ. Why? Because Jesus is pouring Himself out. The priest is pouring Himself out. And you are pouring yourself out." Mass Readings from December 12, 2010: Isaiah 35: 1-6,10 James 5: 7-10 Matthew 11:2-11