Ellen Brown — Global Research News hour (TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2009)

Reform the Money show

Summary: GUEST: Ellen Brown is a civil litigation attorney, author, and frequent writer on financial topics. Her latest book is titled "Web of Debt," a brilliant analysis of the private cartel Federal Reserve and how it usurped money creation power to control its supply and price, then charge the government interest on its own money. She writes often on the global economic crisis. Discussion will focus on her latest article - an open letter to president Obama to "Revive Lincoln's Monetary Policy" (by) restoring the government's power" to control money. Download Ellen Brown's website is: http://www.webofdebt.com Source: Republic Broadcasting Network Aired: 4/13/09 12:00 AMThis podcast is an aggregate of audio files freely available online. Please visit the original source and subscribe to the host website.