Part 1: Andrew Maguire & Adrian Douglas — "What Could Be the Largest Fraud in History" — King World News (Tuesday, March 30, 2010)

Reform the Money show

Summary: Part 1: Whistleblower Exposes JP Morgan's Silver Manipulation Scheme. Andrew Maguire & Adrian Douglas: Discuss What Could Be the Largest Fraud in History - Andrew is an independent metals trader turned whistleblower at the center of a storm for exposing what could be the largest fraud in history involving countries, banks and government leaders. Adrian Douglas Board of Director from GATA, the man who Andrew reached out to joins in this interview where they discuss a fraud so extraordinary and so unimaginable that it is the kind of thing that only happens in hollywood thrillers. They also discuss the CFTC sponsored meeting on metals which was an unmitigated disaster because it additionally exposed the fraud on a grander scale. Download Adrian Douglas's website is: Source: King World Newsk Aired: 3/30/10 12:00 AMThis podcast is an aggregate of audio files freely available online. Please visit the original source and subscribe to the host website.