Stephen Zarlenga — "Monetary Reform" on Community Currency - 09/16/10

Reform the Money show

Summary: "Monetary Reform" with Stephen Zarlenga, founder of The American Monetary Institute, author of The Lost Science of Money - The Mythology of Money - the Story of Power. Stephen Zarlenga has over three decades of practical experience in the world of finance and spent over twelve years doing the historical research to write his book. The final chapter is the solution he offers based upon his knowledge and understanding of money, and the failures of past attempts at monetary reform. His idea has been written into legislative language which should someday come before Congress. He believes that daunting though the struggle may appear, we must not give up because our future depends on changing our deeply flawed monetary system. They have organized excellent conferences, where experts, and researchers have pooled their knowledge and expanded awareness on the need for reform. He condemns most economists for obscuring the basic facts about money, how it is created, its structural flaws, which transfer wealth from the many to the few. He believes that governments not banks should create money, that the Federal Reserve should be nationalized, that private banks should not be allowed to create money out of thin air, siphoning wealth from others, and that governments have the right to create money and should spend it into existence on infrastructure projects that benefit people. The Green Party's National Committee working on monetary and economic policy matters have approved an historic, comprehensive Monetary Reform Plank in their 2010 Platform which includes all three of the necessary elements to achieve real reform that the American Monetary Institute has pushed for in its proposed American Monetary Act. The 6th Annual AMI Monetary Reform Conference will be held Sept. 30 - Oct. 3rd in Chicago. Speakers include- Prof. Michael Hudson, author, Super Imperialism and Global Fracture; editor, Debt and Economic Renewal in the Ancient Near East; distinguished Professor of Economics, University of Missouri, Kansas City, and Chief Economic Advisor to the 2008 Kucinich for President campaign. Dr. Hudson was the first to publicly identify the mechanism of "Dollar Imperialism" through the U.S. balance of payments deficits. His talk will focus on the coming momentous monetary developments in the Icelandic and Latvian crises, and their implication for future crises resolutions. Top Australian monetary economist Steve Keen who just won the inaugural (Paul) Revere Award for giving an early warning (2005) of the present debt-deflation collapse. Dr. Michael Clark, of the United Nations, is the man who earlier this year sparked the recent issue of 240 billion new SDRs by the International Monetary Fund, though they had only issued 21 billion of them since inception in January 1970. Dr. Edward Chambers, President of the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) will discuss- Organizing for Power, Action and Justice. Richard C. (Rick) Cook, a former federal government analyst who worked with Stephen Zarlenga on drafting the American Monetary Act while still with the U.S. Treasury. Rick was an adviser to Dennis Kucinich during the 2004 and 2008 Presidential campaigns will speak on democratizing the monetary system. Ben Dyson is a British monetary reformer, specializing in the necessary accounting techniques to achieve monetary reform by allowing banks to make loans without creating money and will address Monetary reform in Great Britain. William Bergman, economist and formerly an official at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, until he became a whistleblower on Fed practices. He will focus on the present condition of banking after the massive bailouts. Who won? At whose expense? Why won't the banks lend? What must be done now to get money into circulation? Carol Brouillet will speak on Strategy for the Monetary Reform Movement (Analyzing it though the Doing Democracy - MAP Model of Social Movements, as she did for the Truth Movement in Chicago in 2006). Download Stephen Zarlenga's website is Source: Progressive Radio Network Aired: 9/16/10 12:00 AMThis podcast is an aggregate of audio files freely available online. Please visit the original source and subscribe to the host website.