Episode 113-Survival Lessons from Human History

The Chip Monk Family Survival Podcast show

Summary: "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it." I'm sure you've heard that statement before.  The thing is, that statement is true by and large.  You can look at the many cycles of history, the rise and fall of cultures, and the rebirth of subsequent societies and learn much that can be applied to survivalism and preparedness.  For the prepper there is a significant advantage in looking at what has happened in the past as well as the things that our ancestors knew that we have lost in our modern age. In this episode I talk about the things the ancient hunter-gatherers did to survive, how and why the first people banded together to form city-states, and even more modern history and some of the things we can learn from those who have gone before.  While history may seem like a bit of a dry topic, I challenge you to listen to this episode and then try to think of some other aspects that I didn't mention and send them to me.  I'd love to hear some listeners' thoughts on this topic, as I know there is more that I can learn too. :) (NOTE: Today's intro and extro song is "O little Town of Bethlehem" by Liana Stone, who does the CMFSP theme song.  More of her music can be found here: http://www.reverbnation.com/lianastone#!/artist/artist_songs/1009576 and http://www.myspace.com/lianabumstead )