Episode 114-The Survival Writings of Mel Tappan

The Chip Monk Family Survival Podcast show

Summary: My introduction into the survival/preparedness world came as a kid through the writings of Mel Tappan.  He was an interesting figure in the "early" days of survivalism ("early" being a relative term) and contributed much to what is the field of survivalism today.  In this episode I talk a little bit about the background and history of Mel Tappan, and then spend the rest of the time discussing two of his books that I am most familiar with: Mel Tappan on Survival and Survival Guns. While some of their titles might not be quite up my alley (a little too focused on the combat arts for my tastes) the current publishers of Tappan's books (Paladin Press) do have a number of interesting titles including the two writings I highlighted in this podcast by Mel Tappan.  You can check out their stuff at their web site located here: http://www.paladin-press.com/ (NOTE: Today's intro and extro song is "We Three Kings" by Liana Stone, who does the CMFSP theme song, and her husband Jason.  More of their music can be found here: http://www.reverbnation.com/lianastone#!/artist/artist_songs/1009576 and http://www.myspace.com/lianabumstead )