Episode 117-More on Budget Firearms Part 1 of 2-Handguns

The Chip Monk Family Survival Podcast show

Summary: I get a lot of questions about my viewpoints on firearms for survival purposes.  And believe it or not, as a life-long shooter I have a lot of opinions to match those questions.  (Don't we all? :) ) That isn't to say that my ideas are correct or anyone else's are wrong, but since I get asked a lot of questions I tend to do a healthy number of episodes on this topic, and my email feedback tells me that most people like them. One recurring theme that comes up is that of people wanting to get involved with preparedness but with little money available to spend on much of anything, much less firearms.  I always say take care of your water, food, and shelter needs before looking to defensive and hunting considerations, but once you get to the point of wanting to purchase a firearm or five how do you find out what your options are? Well, my hope would be that this podcast could provide some of that direction for you, although like anything these are personal decisions.  What I try to do in this episode (and the followup tomorrow) is suggest some of the choices out there for you and offer some options. You are encouraged to also spend some time online researching the topic and then find a way to get your hands on some real, physical examples of the choices available to you (perhaps even with an instructor) and figure out what works best for you and your budget.  (Not every country, state, or city will allow private ownership of some of these options, so follow all applicable laws.  The last place you want to be in a crisis is in a jail, trust me....) NOTE: As always, I encourage (no make that demand) you get some training and guidance in the safe use of firearms so that you and your family can be kept safe from potential hazards that can come from misusing any tool.  Okay, so I can't really demand anything but I strongly encourage you to take all steps necessary to keep yourself and your family safe, even from yourself.  :)