Episode 128-SHOW REVIEW-History Channel’s Day After Disaster

The Chip Monk Family Survival Podcast show

Summary: Every so often I like to do an episode on Survival Media, either non-fiction (as in the case of some of my recent book reviews) or fictional accounts that convey useful preparedness ideas.  Today's episode I discuss a program on the History Channel dealing with the possibility of a nuclear terrorist attack on a major US city, in this case the nation's capital.  While there is room for detractors to deride this program as fear-mongering or presenting inaccurate information (such as the size of the mushroom cloud, etc.) overall I felt like this show covered a lot of different issues relating to nuclear survival and how to deal with the aftermath of any major disaster and thought I'd share about it with my listeners. (btw... This episode timed in at 45 minutes...  Just FYI...) Here is a link to a YouTube excerpt of the program (from which the audio I used in the podcast is taken): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doQY4xRXJJ4 Here is a link to the DVD of the program available from the History Channel (although it is somewhat pricey so look for alternatives such as a rebroadcast of the episode on History or History International): http://shop.history.com/detail.php?p=276131v=history And finally here are links to three of the government documents mentioned on the program: http://www.fema.gov/emergency/nrf/ http://www.afrri.usuhs.mil/outreach/pdf/planning-guidance.pdf http://www.floridadisaster.org/Preparedness/TrainingandExercise/documents/TE/DHS%20Reference%20Documents/DHS%20-%20National%20Planning%20Scenarios%20March%202006.pdf