Blogging ABCs #19 – Guest Posting vs Article Marketing

Blogging ABCs show

Summary: James Martell joins Blogging ABCs hosts Vinny O'Hare and Deborah Carney discuss guest posting and how it differs from submitting articles to article directories. Article directories have too many similar articles, they are focused on quantity over quality. Guest posts are higher quality and are related to the topic of the blog they are guest posting for. Be picky about who you guest post for, and who guest posts for you. Guest posts give a blog different voices which can give your blog a new vitality. Listen to the audio for more great advice from our panel of experts. Affiliate Marketers Boot Camp Twitter: James Martell Vinny O'Hare Deborah aka Loxly Blogging ABCs Thanks to for hosting our podcasts. Please go visit them to hear more podcasts about internet marketing.