Puppy Temperament Testing

PuppiesAndDogsInfo.com show

Summary: The Puppy Temperament Test is a valuable tool used by many responsible breeders to help assess what might be the best home for a puppy. Would the puppy be best placed in a home with a single person?, an older couple?, or a family with young children? Would the puppy do well and enjoy agility, or as a working or guide dog, or  a family  pet who enjoys long walks, or a daily run? Although there are no definite answers, puppy temperament testing gives direction to these questions. The information contained on this site is for information purposes only, and may not apply to your situation. The author, publisher, distributor and provider provide no warranty for content, accuracy, or any other implied or explicit purpose. Neither the Publisher, Author, Distributor, nor Provider shall be liable for any damages, or financial loss, resulting from use of this information. This information is not intended as a substitute for veterinarian advice, advice from a professional dog trainer, or other other professional advice. Information provided is subjective. Keep this in mind when reviewing this information.