Upper Intermediate #24 - Must Love Dogs in China

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Summary: Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- A 你平时有什么爱好? B 我喜欢打高尔夫,看些英文原版的电影,大部分时间还是去世界各地旅行。 A 那你会不会因为工作的关系经常出差呢? B 不会,这些跑腿儿的事儿一般都是手下去做的。 A 那你一直是一个人生活的吗? B 噢不,家里有个管家和两个保姆照顾我。 A 那为什么不找个女朋友呢? B 哦,因为我认识的那些女人都不愿意每天和我的五只爱犬一起用餐。 ----English---- A: Do you have any hobbies? B: I like to play golf, watch English movies and spend most of my time traveling around the world. A: So do you need to travel much for business then? B: No, these kinds of errands are usually done by my staff. A: So have you always lived alone? B: Oh no, I have a housekeeper and two housemaids to look after me. A: Why don't you find a girlfriend then? B: Oh, because none of the women I know want to eat together with me and my dogs. ----Pinyin---- A Nǐ píngshí yǒu shénme àihào? B Wǒ xǐhuān dǎ gāoěrfū, kàn xiē yīngwén yuánbǎn de diànyǐng, dàbùfēn shíjiān hái shì qù shìjiè gèdì lǚxíng. A Nà nǐ huìbuhuì yīnwèi gōngzuò de guānxi jīngcháng chūchāi ne? B Bùhuì, zhè xiē pǎotuir de shìr yībān dōu shì shǒuxià qù zuò de. A Nà nǐ yīzhí shì yīgerén shēnghuó de ma? B o bù, jiālǐ yǒu ge guǎnjiā hé liǎngge bǎomǔ zhàogu wǒ. A Nà wèishénme bù zhǎo ge nǚpéngyou ne? B ò, yīnwèi wǒ rènshi de nàxiē nǚrén dōu bùyuànyì měitiān hé wǒde wǔzhǐ àiquǎn yīqǐ yòngcān. ----Traditional ---- A 你平時有甚麼愛好? B 我喜歡打高爾夫,看些英文原版的電影,大部分時間還是去世界各地旅行。 A 那你會不會因為工作的關係經常出差呢? B 不會,這些跑腿兒的事兒一般都是手下去做的。 A 那你一直是一個人生活的嗎? B 噢不,家裡有個管家和兩個保姆照顧我。 A 那為甚麼不找個女朋友呢? B 哦,因為我認識的那些女人都不願意每天和我的五只愛犬一起用餐。 --------------------------- Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by ChineseClass101.com for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources!