Gridiron Greats and The Leatherheads Fantasy Football Show

Leatherheads of the Gridiron show

Summary: Join host Bob Swick for Gridiron Greats: Football History and Its Memorabilia on the Leatherheads National Podcasting Network. The show is on Wednesday, November 14, 2012 from 8-9:00 P.M. Eastern Time. Co-host and contributing writer of Gridiron Greats Magazine Joe Squires will join Bob to discuss some current hobby points followed by an interview with Andy Greenspan, owner of Andy Greenspan and Associates.  They will discuss his upcoming documentary film on the Dallas Cowboys' experience of President Kennedy's assassination and their game on 11/24/63 with the Cleveland Browns. At 9:00, join Chris Mitchell, George Kurtz and Brandon Williams for The Leatherheads Fantasy Football Show. One hour of the latest in the world of fantasy football.