D P BuZZ - November 22, 2012

Digital Production BuZZ (AAC) show

Summary: <p> Happy Thanksgiving </p> <p> Join Larry Jordan and Michael Horton this week as they talk with:</p> <p> Douglas Sloan, Director, iContent Films</p> <p> The photo is famous: a Vietnamese general shooting a Viet Cong during the Viet Nam war. Taken by photographer Eddie Adams, this one image changed the direction of the war. Filmmaker Douglas Sloan created a documentary about that image – and discovered that what it shows is only a part of the story. We talk with him this week about the power of a photograph, the back-story behind the image, and why he created his documentary: Saigon68.</p> <p> David Newman, Senior Director of Software Engineering, GoPro</p> <p> GoPro cameras are everywhere, but they don’t get a lot of respect. This week, we talk with David Newman, Senior Director of Software Engineering for GoPro, about their cameras and the latest update to the line: the Silver and Black Editions. For filmmakers looking for more image quality and control, these new cameras are worth a look, as David explains.</p> <p> Elena Miliaresis, Filmmaker, “While Time Stands Still”</p> <p> We’ve been following Elena Miliaresis on her journey as a first-time filmmaker as she works on “While Time Stands Still,” a documentary about the families of military personnel who are left behind when their soldier-spouse goes to war. Production is complete, and she is now in the middle of her final sound mix. We thought it would be a good time to check back to learn what we as producers, directors and editors need to know to prepare for a sound mix.</p> <p> Rich Kwiat, Co-founder/Managing Director, Doddle and David Plant, Founder, Doddle/Canada</p> <p> Doddle is a website devoted to saving filmmakers time. Whether it is their daily newsletter, or their Cloud-based production services, they have a range of new technology that can save filmmakers time, money and resources. In this interview, with Rich Kwiat, Managing Director of Doddle, and David Plant, co-Founder of Doddle/Canada, we talk about their recent expansion into Canada, their latest product offerings, and how transitioning from paper to the web can save producers thousands of dollars for each production.</p> <p> Ned Soltz, Contributing Editor, Digital Video magazine</p> <p> The holidays are approaching and its time to buy new gear! And who better to explain what gear we need to buy than Ned Soltz, contributing editor for Digital Video magazine. Ned is back with his take on what’s hot, what’s not, and where we should spend our holiday dollars. </p>