Episode #64 – Defenders of Feminism

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: http://media.blubrry.com/thisweekinmormons/thisweekinmormons.com/podcast/TWiM_EP64_Defenders_of_Feminism.mp3Download the MP3 of the show If we cease to exist next week because of the piles of lawsuits that will inevitably come our way because of Al’s remarks on this episode, it’s been a good ride. Thanks, folks! Much love! Continued analysis on why men in the Church fail to marry. Hint: It’s the women’s fault. Are missionaries going to cease tracting? What?? BYUSA brings us their own unwitting version of Hotornot.com entitled YFashion. It’s amazing. And by amazing we mean awful. And by awful we mean awesome. Some Utahans have ceased to pay tithing because of the Church’s approval of the Utah Compact involving immigration. No Church PAC, folks! Missionaries are out of Ivory Coast. Period. Aspiring filmmaker seeks to make Duck Beach documentary! Yes! BASE jumping off of the Church Office Building. Revealed! And “McKay Coppins” is “addicted” to “pornography.” Click: Our lovely smiling guy gets no love Tracting. Yes or no? Goodbye, Cote d’Ivoire YFashion is AMAZING Mormons MBAs get together and look down on everyone else Oh McKay… No marriage! Men are wimps Women do not entice! No LDS PAC Restoration of Joseph Smith home in Susquehanna   Fashion Forward Church Office Building from Marshall Miller on Vimeo.