Episode #65 – The White Has Got to Go

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: http://media.blubrry.com/thisweekinmormons/thisweekinmormons.com/podcast/TWiM_EP65_The_White_Has_Got_to_Go.mp3Download the MP3 of the showA slew of stuff this week! Conservative LDS folk find themselves at odds with the Church over Utah’s HB 116. Welcome to the other side, folks. Liberal LDS people are amused… and adorable Salvadorian branch presidents are deported. Propaganda art is pulled from the BYU Bookstore by the artist. Apparently he does not approve of BYU’s political neutrality. Phoenix hates righteousness. They don’t want a temple and they loathe white lightpoles. Yes, lightpoles. The Mormon Times explains to us how to use iTunes. The Atlanta, Georgia Temple is finally rededicated following an extensive renovation. MTC curriculum is reported to be changing. Oh yeah, and bin Laden is dead. Links: Phoenix hates righteousness Atlanta Temple rededicated Church’s second solar-powered meetinghouse Elder Holland visits the Persian Gulf Immigration: Conservative members on the outs LDS Newsroom statement Branch president deported? The spirit of Reagan will not live in BYU’s Bookstore! U of U president Michael Young gets hate from the godless Pacific Northwest How to use iTunes according to the Mormon Times MTC curriculum changing? It just gets better and better!     Definitely Non-Partisan