Episode #66 – Balloons for Peace

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: http://media.blubrry.com/thisweekinmormons/thisweekinmormons.com/podcast/TWiM_EP66_Balloons_for_Peace.mp3Download the MP3 of the showScott Anderson: A Living Legend Moscow is getting a stake! Moskva! Good for Russia! And we talk some other Church statistics over from 2000-2010. Peter Vidmar, noted Olympian and recently-appointed Chief of Mission for the US Olympic team has resigned due to pressure from those against his stance on Califronia’s Prop 8. Jacked up. How “Mormon” is Jon Huntsman? The mystery continues. A journalist says that Mormons will be “expected” to vote for Mitt Romney by their church. Uh… In other bits – Marie Osmond re-re-marries, Book of Mormon on Broadway gets a gagillion Tony nominations, FHE treats are the way forward, the Hummer Mom gets in trouble!, and balloons rise in Phoenix! Balloons! —and more! Clicking: President Monson speaks at Dixie Moscow stake! Other Church stats Peter Vidmar departs Tony nods for BoM Lessons through FHE treats! Silly kids and flash mobs Hummer mom Balloons for Peace Romney farce Huntmsan – great Mormon or greatest Mormon? Bridal things are changing!