Episode #67 – Men for Pantyhose

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: http://media.blubrry.com/thisweekinmormons/thisweekinmormons.com/podcast/TWiM_EP67_Men_for_Pantyhose.mp3Download the MP3 of the showThe King James Version of the Bible turns 400! Pretty cool. We discuss some of the history of the KJV and celebrate through holy reverence. Peggy Fletcher Stack continues to amaze! She’s our new McKay. Geoff spends awhile lambasting a new article about the Crystal City ward, which is apparently a YSA ward (it’s not) and is also synonymous with a church building (it’s not). Romney. Huntsman. We don’t want to beat a dead horse, but perhaps they effectively come from different generations of Mormons, thus explaining their different ways of addressing their faith publicly. We love pantyhose, and things transpired in the past week that will deeply hurt our preference for those lovely nylon leg-shapers! Al mocks Geoff for not knowing about settlement history within the Church. Geoff cries and walks out of the show. Links: Why the LDS Church tops Facebook page rankings Religious belief is human nature, study finds Come to the new singles ward opening up! FLETCHER! KJV finds niche within the Church 400 years of KJV! BYU rugby in championship Vandals in Denver! The hose have got to go! Different strains of Mormonism Recap on Beyond BYU event Find Geoff’s fan page on FB   This Can Be Our Future If We'll Only Just Embrace It!