Episode #70 – A Prayer and a Cuddle

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: http://thisweekinmormons.com/podcast/TWiM_EP70_A_Prayer_and_a_Cuddle.mp3Download the MP3 of the show Phoenix Temple construction gets underway. Missionary guidelines for senior couples change. Listen in to find out how! The Moscow Stake is organized by Elder Nelson. Horosho, indeed. Should we write more stories about YSA? A new PEW poll shows Americans are a little bit more inclined to elect a Mormon than they were four years ago. And of course, the Zarahemla times. Links:   Phoenix Temple groundbreaking Most awesome Crystal City singles headline yet Geriatric Missionary guidelines changing Romney on Newsweek Mormons Rock! Stories about YSA. Ye or nay? Evangelicals and the Romney question New PEW poll