Episode #71 – A Tour of Italy, Gastronomically

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: http://media.blubrry.com/thisweekinmormons/thisweekinmormons.com/podcast/TWiM_EP71_A_Tour_of_Italy_Gastronomically.mp3Download the MP3 of the showUnrelated to Mormon news, but Al continues to fail to understand why Geoff loves Disneyland so much. KSL drops “The Playboy Club” because of its relation to some sort of obscure gentlemen’s magazine. TV affiliates picking and choosing in an effort to censor. Right or wrong? To no one’s surprise, “The Book of Mormon” cleans up at the Tonys. The Church has responded by started an “I’m a Mormon” campaign on Times Square. Branch presidents are getting deported, and the Church releases another statement on immigration, this one siding a bit more with the law. Does being a Mormon and – more importantly – serving a mission influence foreign policy outlook? Mitt debates and appears on Piers Morgan. And boy is he a defensive kid! Other news: Glenn Beck has a new site, the Church gets social networking into genealogy work, Deseret Book releases an iOS app, LDS fraternities get the axe, and those blasted Texans won’t let us build a meetinghouse! …And… “The Marriage Ref” is still ON?????? Clickety Clik: Open letter to evangelical critic by Michael Otterson Social networking and genealogy Mitt and Piers Glenn Beck’s new network Book of Mormon at the Tonys “I’m a Mormon” in NYC Immigration Both sides like new Church statement Two branch presidents deported Official Church statement Dang you, Texas! Goodbye, “Playboy Club” Deseret Book iPhone app Mormonism and Foreign Policy