Where's the Proof?

Don Woods show

Summary: We've been saying for weeks that people who make allegations should be checked out and brought to task if found to be false…..the bloke who called a Tory peer a child abuser has suddenly decided he had the wrong bloke…....so his Lordship is now going for the Beeb and anyone who twittered libellous comments…. and this guy’s got the money to do it…..the problem these days is organisations like the BBC are run by young upstart yuppies who have no experience of life……it’s time this freedom of speech bit was sorted….you’d be jailed for libel in Russia. Robert Powell was on a chat show recently….he is married to one of the 60s dance group Pan’s People and he said that the BBC were very strict on who could get into the Top of the Pops studio…..you had to be OVER 16……interesting eh? On a lighter note Don had to laugh at the news that someone had broken into the TOWER OF LONDON and got away….if you can burgle that place you can burgle ANYWHERE….the police haven’t found him! On the showbiz front a bunch of local popstars have signed a guitar which fetched £6000 for kids hospices….people like the Stone Roses and The Gallaghers…great stuff…should be more of this type....and, finally, Don was once on Newsnight…..back in the day….commissioned to write and record a comedy song about the Knowsley North Bye-election….and he appeared on the programme busking his song in the street…