67: (45 Min - Interval) Rock/Country - Country's Back - BPMs: 105-176

The JogTunes Indie Podcast show

Summary: Please note: You should consult with your doctor before starting any exercise program.  Neither JogTunes nor Dr. Bob will be liable for any complications, injuries, loss or other medical problems arising from or in connection with using this service. Also, please note that "BPM" refers to the tempo of a tune and the number of foot falls per minute, not your heart rate. The 67th episode of the The JogTunes Indie Podcast is up for running, cycling, and other BPM matching exercise. To experience and enjoy running and working out exactly to the beat of great indie music, please subscribe to the The JogTunes Indie Podcast or get the MP3. Ever run to country music? If not, here's your chance. Most of the tunes on this episode are country with a touch of folk and rock. Here's another interval run with Glass Wave taking us to 187 BPM at short speed bursts. Their whole tune is at the end of the episode. My new intro was written and produced by Troy Lee Warden. Troy has also appeared many times on the show with the great songstress, Hedda Layne. You can find more info on their website, heddalayne.com. Check out the track details, purchase options, and more info on this episode's podcast page. At JogTunes.com, you'll find purchase links to all of the tunes from all of our podcast episodes as well as over 2000 BPM-rated workout tunes from label and indie artists. Enjoy the show and may your next run be your best one. Dr. Bob