011 – How To Be Happy – Being Happy When All Hell Is Breaking Loose

Success Sculpting Show with Stephen Pierce: Self Help | Self Improvement | Personal Development | Motivation | Inspiration show

Summary: <br> So you want to know how to be happy?<br> Well, being happy is not just a choice, it’s a strategy.<br> Most people have decided that they want to be happy, however many people don’t have a strategy for being happy in the face of overwhelming opportunities to be unhappy.<br> In today’s episode of The Success Sculpting Show you’re not only going to learn how to be happy, you’re going to get a specific battle-tested strategy for being happy even when all hell is breaking loose around you and the number of reasons to be unhappy far outweigh the reasons to be happy.<br> So let’s get to it, click the play button above to start listening to this latest podcast Episode..<br> Here are the Show Notes for this Episode.<br> <br> <br> From Sandbox to Sadbox<br> <br> * As kids we would have fun playing in the sandbox creating little cool sculptures with our friends.<br> * As adults, we’ve migrated from the sandbox into what I call the sadbox.<br> * There we use the fragile pieces of our past to build monuments to our mistakes and castles to our past carelessness that keeps us held down in unhappiness.<br> <br> <br> <br> The Co-Dependency of Happiness<br> <br> <br> * Sometimes are happiness is not based on how we feel about what we’ve done, but based on how other people feel about what we’ve done.<br> * So the knobs that can turn up or turn down our happiness are under someone else’s control.<br> * Thus, we are not the cause of our own happiness, we are the effect of happiness because we wait for others to gives us the approval to be happy with their stamp of approval, acceptance and appreciation.<br> * Just think about the extent of unhappiness one can have if it was based on other people’s appreciation of what we’ve done or acknowledgement of what we’ve done.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> The Unhappy Bugger Strategy<br> <br> <br> * Attack:<br> <br> * “You know, you should really be unhappy about…”<br> <br> <br> * 5 Step Counter-Attack<br> <br> * 1. “I am unhappy about…” (Acknowledge it!)<br> * 2. “But what I am happy about is…” (Counter it!)<br> * 3. “What I’m also happy about is…” (Stack it!)<br> * 4. “What excites me about that is…” (Crush it!)<br> * 5. “Just imagine…” (Elevate it!)<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Listen to this Episode to hear how I have used this 5-Step Counter-Attack strategy with weight loss and public speaking.<br> <br> Create a DIStance Between You and Discouragement To Close The Gap On Happiness<br> <br> *Break Down The Discouragement<br> <br> * 1. Discard the personal discord (self-hatred, self-rejection, self-condemnation) to create harmony<br> * 2. Discharge and release the feelings of guilt, shame and pity<br> * 3. Discover and dismantle unforgiveness, bitterness, blame and witchcraft<br> * 4. Discontinue all victim-hood.<br> <br> *Build Up The Encouragement<br> <br> * 1. Discover your joys (focus is the fuel, experience calm in chaos and harmony in havoc)<br> * 2. Discuss what makes you happy (conversation choice, complaining is a choice)<br> * 3. Disclose your love to others (saying “I love you” allows you to feel and experience the love yourself)<br> * 4. Be a disciple of of gratitude, not a victim of ingratitude<br> <br> <br> <br> Got a question? Feedback? Have thoughts about The Show?<br> If you have thoughts and questions or have topics you want to hear about on The Success Sculpting Show, then email me at feedback[a]successsculpting[dot]com (audio files welcomed) and I will incorporate them in the show.<br> Record a voice message and I’ll try and play it on the show. Call (469) 546-5093 to leave a voicemail.<br> Can We Get Social?<br>