Fat 2 Fit #91 – Confronting Loved Ones About Weight Problems

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: Today's feature is about confronting those that you love about their weight problems. Besides money issues, taking to someone about their weight has to be the most awkward subject to breach. Listener Rachel wrote in that she was worried about her parents. They are both overweight. She was wondering about how best to talk to them about her concerns. You may be struggling with your weight, but you're reading this or listening to this podcast. You know you have to make these lifestyle changes. How many of you have someone in your life that is literally fat, dumb and happy? They're killing themselves by overeating and don't have the foggiest idea that they are indeed putting themselves in an early grave. We run down the things to consider and the best ways to approach loved ones about their weight. In the email and comments section of the show, Wendy is participating in a program at a local university. Part of the program is wearing a pedometer and trying to get to 10,000 steps each day. She's wondering about the accuracy of the pedometers and whether to be concerned about it. By Becky's calculations, she should be losing 1.5 pounds per week with her current plan. However, her current plan includes eating below her basal metabolic rate. She writes to us because she actually gained weight last week, a week in which she ran 25 miles and supposedly burned 5300 calories. On the web report, Jeff has an article on exercising in your 70's. Included is a top 10 list of things to remember when you start exercising in your advanced years. Russ highlights some new calculators on the Fat 2 Fit Radio web site. To add to the already popular BMR calculator, you can now check what your goal body weight should be and check whether you are at risk for heart disease or diabetes with the waist to hip ratio calculator. Finally, Russ hinted at a body fat calculator. Well, it's here as well. Check out all the links below. Links Mentioned in the Show: Exercising later in life BMR Calculator Goal Body Weight Calculator Waist to Hip Ratio Calculator Body Fat Calculator Fat 2 Fit Support Forums Confronting loved ones about money and weight Friends with eating disorders How to confront a friend Recipe of the Week: Terrific Low Fat Lasagna Homework: I have watched many weight loss tv shows over the years where a trainer or nutritionist shows up at someones house on the very first day, and starts going through their kitchen to see what they have been eating. They always end up with a large box full of junk foods and unhealthy processed food that they take away, because clearly these foods do not help to improve their health. Your homework this week, is to become that trainer or nutritionist and honestly and impartially, go through your own kitchen cleaning out the junk that you know hurts your fitness goals. I'm not saying that you have to throw everything out, but at least get it out of sight and out of mind. If you wrap it up and seal it in a garbage bag, put a "Do Not Open Until" sign on it - and don't put a date. Put a weight loss or measurement goal. Chances are that when you open that bag after losing 20 lbs or 5 inches off your waist, that junk food in there will no longer be appealing to you. Listen here, or subscribe to automatically receive future shows.