Fat 2 Fit #97 – Orthorexia

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: If the term orthorexia is new to you, you're not alone. Orthorexia is an eating disorder characterized by excessive focus on eating healthy foods. That doesn't sound so bad, does it. But, orthorexics takes the idea to an extreme.  They have such a fixation on eating perfectly that they cause themselves problems.  That extreme fixation can lead to malnutrition or even death. On the email and comment portion of the show, Rakhi wrote in about Russ' not being able to ride an amusement park attraction with his son.  The ride's been ridden, multiple times.  Awesome!  She also mentioned the Heart Attack Grill that we talked about so many shows ago.  We also take the opportunity to go over our philosophy.  Brian wrote in about dieting on the week day and cheating on the weekend.  He backed into one of those advanced weight loss techniques that we've talked about before, the zig-zag. On the Web Report, Russ is changing his food logging tool for the iPhone. GASP!  No really.  Multiple listeners have wrote in recently that they use My Fitness Pal to track their food.  It's a web site and an iPhone app and it's great.  Jeff has a couple items that he shares.  The first one is a list of 15 simple truths about food that you might not know.  We run down 5 of them, check out the link for the rest.  He also found an article at Scientific American that shows us that refined carbs and not fats are the reason that more of us are overweight today. Links Mentioned in the Show: Orthorexia Quiz Eating disorder information Orthorexia info BeyondVeg MyFitnessPal Refined carbs, not fats 15 simple truths Recipe of the Week: No "recipe" this week. Instead for the next few shows we'll be sharing specific products that you might find beneficial in your weight loss. This week, it's 130 calorie bagels. Homework: The homework this week is all about fruit. Most people get in a rut of only eating the same 2 or 3 types of fruit all the time. In the summer there is just so many varieties in season. Your goal is to eat 10 different types of fruit this week. If you want to be very adventurous, make at least 5 of those types of fruit, ones that you have never tried before. Hopefully you will find something new that you enjoy. Listen here, or subscribe to automatically receive future shows.