Fat 2 Fit #103 – Body Fat Calculation

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: How should you determine your body fat percentage? Do you take you own measurements and use a calculator? How about body fat scales, are they accurate? Do you need to get pinched in a skin caliper test? How about the "Cadillac" methods, the Bod Pod or hydrostatic testing? That's a lot of questions. Listener Lisa and Dan both wrote in about getting an accurate body fat percentage. Maryann also wrote in to ask about anaerobic vs. aerobic workouts. This question was so important that it made it into the book in chapter 28. She also asks about progressing in her running and interval training. On the Web Report, Jeff helps shed some light on the problems of Vitamin Water. Coca-Cola itself says it's not a healthy beverage. At that point you have to ask yourself, if it's not healthy, why buy it? Russ has a link to a story that recommends that you don't wash your raw chicken before cooking. The hell you say?! Apparently the spreading of germs around your kitchen is a greater health risk than just the chicken you are cooking. Links Mentioned in the Show: Vitamin Water is not a healthy beverage Stop washing chicken Fat 2 Fit: Getting There & Staying There Recipe of the Week: Crockpot Oatmeal Listen here, or subscribe to automatically receive future shows.