Fat 2 Fit #126 – Following the Fat 2 Fit Philosophy

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: First and foremost on today's show, we introduce you to a new Fat 2 Fit podcast.  It's called Fat 2 Fit Power Tips.  We've taken what used to be the old homework section of the show, included some new advice from a friend who owns a Melbourne liposuction clinic and have created a new, hyper focused show just around that concept.  We offer up one tip a week that you can incorporate in your life.  Sometimes it will work for you, other times it may not.  But, if you follow the Power Tip each week, you will get slimmer and sexier.  Check out the show and subscribe on iTunes today. Meanwhile, back on this show, we had some great emails and comments. Warren commented on the first episode of Power Tips. At first it looked he was running circles around Russ in weight loss, then all was revealed. He lost 180 lbs. in one year, but you'll have to listen to find out how. Melody wrote in to ask a question about eating more to lose weight. It's one of the biggest questions that listeners send in. "How will I lose weight if I eat more than 1200 calories?" or "Won't I gain weight if I eat that much?" and questions like them are asked on our Facebook page and sent in via email every day. Melody was brave enough to heed our advice and write back with what happened when she ate more. It's kind of a case study in following the Fat 2 Fit Philosophy. Did she gain weight? Did she lose more weight? You'll have to listen. Kimberly, a former registered dietician, wrote in about how she was undermined by doctors and nurses of all types when she tried to help clients lose weight. She was so disheartened by it that she let here registration go! Guess what? She was giving out the same advice that we do. On the Web Report, Jeff talks about a gym in France that allows it's patrons to workout in the buff, nude, naked, nekkid, sans clothing, etc. Russ read and responds to an article about liposuction. Apparently if you were looking to sculpt that last little bit of fat on your hips or belly, you better think again. Unless of course you'd like fat ears. Jeff has a second article to share about dietary supplements. While they can enhance your health, they aren't tickets to food freedom. Links Mentioned in the Show: Fat 2 Fit Power Tips (Website) Fat 2 Fit Power Tips (iTunes) BMR Calculator Body Fat Scale Nude gym Liposuction fat returns Dietary supplements: Bad? Nutrition course - Update Recipe of the Week: Turkey Chili - Sent in by listener Brent Motivational Quote: "We have to go for what we think we're fully capable of, not limit ourselves by what we've been in the past." - Vivek Paul