Fat 2 Fit #128 – Gain Muscle & Lose Fat

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: The Holy Grail of transforming your body from fat to fit is shedding your excess fat and gaining some lean muscle. It was thought that one couldn't do it.  One requires a caloric surplus (gaining muscle) and one requires a caloric deficit (fat loss). Well a study on the Web Report says differently. Jeff reports on a study done that showed elite athletes, when eating at a moderate caloric deficit could gain lean muscle AND lose fat at the same time. While you're probably not an elite athlete, there is some good news in here for you as well. As well, Russ reports on a study about children of 2011 being far weaker than their counterparts 10 years ago. These children are more susceptible to becoming overweight and obese because of this lack of muscle. Jeff also shares a video link to some inspirational before and after pics. Russ as well shares a second link to some neat calculators on bodybuilding.com. They will pump you up! As far as emails go, we've got a couple good ones.  Ellie wrote in because she was concerned that her weight is going back up.  She lost a good amount of weight quickly and is now putting it back on.   Jeff goes over the common problems associated with quick weight loss and what you can do to fix it.  The second email is from Roddrick.  He just started his plan and wants to know about doing double cardio sessions.  Whoa there cowboy!  Time to start at the beginning.  It's not a race.  Apparently he listened to our episode on advanced weight loss techniques and decided that was the way to go from the word GO!  He is also apparently planning to have a weight loss plateau.  If you take one thing away from this episode, let it be this one thing.  You DO NOT have to plateau in your weight loss.  Sure, it might happen, but assuming it will happen is saying you're going to do this weight loss thing the wrong way and then fix it.  Start right, end right. Links Mentioned in the Show: Children weaker than a decade ago Body Building calculators Gain muscle & lose fat simultaneously Motivational video Recipe of the Week: Mockafoni & Cheese (It's for the low-carb people out there.) Motivational Quote: "If you are bored with life, if you don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things-you don't have enough goals." - Lou Holtz (Courtesy of Betsey)