Keith Orsini will be here from American RSDHope

Winning Life Through Pain® show

Summary: American RSDHope was started in 1995 by Bob Orsini, Lynne Orsini and Keith Orsini as a place of support, information, and education to the millions of CRPS patients across the United States and beyond,  to their loved ones, friends, caretakers,  medical professionals, and to educate the general public about the disease as well.Keith was diagnosed with RSD in 1993 some 8 years after a car accident broke his back. He learned that RSD had been his 'undiagnosed' pain since 1974!!After Keith was diagnosed he turned to his doctor for information on RSD, just to find the doctor knew little more then the name of the condition. When Keith turned elsewhere for information he found a HUGE hole where information should have been.Keith's health issues range from Degenerative Disc Disease, Failed Back Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, to Full Body CRPS. Even with all that Keith doesn't stop getting out and walking for exercise, being able to volunteer with a local animal adoption facilities, volunteering to help children, keeping up with his website , and doing whatever he can to make a difference and educating others about RSD/CRPS.Keith encourages others to: "Take control of this disease, arm yourself, and most of all remember, you are not alone anymore and you can make a difference, pain or no pain, just pace yourself. A lot can be accomplished with 20 minutes here and 20 minutes there. Just because we are disabled doesn't mean we have to let ourselves disappear."Learn More:  Keith Orsini