"RSD in Me" author Barby Ingle

Winning Life Through Pain® show

Summary: Barby has been diagnosed with RSD for some 10 years and has become her own best advocate. She is also an advocate for all of us with chronic pain and our families. She works with Power of Pain Foundation, she's a mentor for RSDHope, a member of RSDSA, and serves on the Arizona Alliance for Chronic Care. Barby has, like most of us, gone through numerous treatment  methods over the years, and now doing Ketamine IV-Infusion therapy. That has allowed her to regain her life because the severe burning pain and other autonomic symptoms are gone. Barby has also written "ReMission Possible: Yours, If You Choose To Accept It" ; "The Pain Code: A Pain Patient's Instruction Book To Commumicating With Healthcare Professionals" ; and "The Pain Code: Walking Through The Minefield Of The Health System".   Learn More:  Barby Ingle Ron Wear Port-Able Clothing