Nov 21, 2012 Money Wise

Compass » Money Wise show

Summary: The Benefits of Being Thankful  – The Bible tells us that a joyful heart is good medicine. Howard Dayton and Steve Moore elaborate today on MoneyWise.  Then they turn to questions from listeners (800-525-7000 or "How do we decide between a 15-year and a 20-year re-fi?" (Check out "Medical bills, job loss and the death of my husband have wiped out my finances - what's my next step?" "What's a good investment strategy for a young married couple?" (Howard recommended checking out and the Crown small-group study, 'Navigating Your Finances God's Way'.) Be sure to check out the Compass website for a complete listing of helpful resources and radio archives. Thanks for your prayers and generous financial support which allow us to keep MoneyWise on the air!