Lord help us!

Jim Hightower's Lowdown show

Summary: "Political Boss Man of the Year," hands down, is Robert Murray, multimillionaire chief of the coal giant, Murray Energy. A die-hard right-winger and Romney backer, this one-percenter required coal miners in his company to be stage props for Romney at an August rally he sponsored, and he also pressured his salaried employees to donate money to the Republican's run for the White House. Alas, poor Bob did not take Romney's loss at all well, and now he's taking it out on some of those very employees – and on the American electorate. First, the workers. The day after the election, Murray announced the firing of more than 160 of them at his various subsidiaries around the country, blaming disastrous policies that he claims Obama will enact in order to bring about the "total destruction of the coal industry by 2030." Peering into his politically-warped crystal ball, the corporate soothsayer said he'd be "forced" to fire more employees in coming months. Why? Bob explained it all in – believe it or not – a post-election prayer that he delivered to staffers at corporate headquarters. "Dear Lord," he lamented, "the takers outvoted the producers." (Guess which group he puts himself in? But I digress.) "The American people have made their choice… away from capitalism," he mourned. "We are a country in favor of redistribution, national weakness and reduced standard of living." Thus, pleaded the sanctimonious boss: "Lord, please forgive me… for the decisions that we are now forced to make." So, see, it wasn't Bob who fired those people. It was YOU, you Obama supporters – or, as Murray sneeringly calls you, the "receivers" of government giveaways who elected that communistical destroyer of enterprise. Dear Lord, indeed! Please save us from the pathetic pieties of such messianic political bosses.