Episode 6 - I have to strip naked and just punch things with my priest!

Crafting Azeroth show

Summary: (Recorded on Monday, September 3, 2012) On today's show, our intrepid hosts discuss... We're back from summer vacations, and are back on a weekly update schedule! Patch 5.0.4 - live this week. The Remote Auction House is now free for all players. Breja has a question answered on the Convert to Raid podcast by Euripides. A brief follow-up note on Olivia Grace's columns on Trade Skill Master. Addon Spotlight: Getting started with TradeSkillMaster Crafting Addon Spotlight: Getting started with TradeSkillMaster auctioning Addon Spotlight: TradeSkillMaster tips and tricks Keeping up with Kaliope. Rumors:  Have cloth drops been nerfed? Blue posts and official news Dragon Soul nerf increased to 35% Professions Living in Perfect Harmony Scroll of Resurrection and Recruit-a-Friend clarifications for monks WoWhead's Patch 5.0.4 Survival Guide Kev mentioned being reminded of a post by Cynwise comparing WoW to a social network.  After a bit of archaeology, here's a link to the original post he mentioned. Until next time, get in touch with us with questions, comments, and feedback at... Email us: craftingazeroth@gmail.com Announcements: @CraftingAzeroth Breja: @The_Breja Kev: @BKCrafting