Episode 9 - It gives you one little bit of nuggets for information!

Crafting Azeroth show

Summary: (Recorded on Sunday, September 23, 2012) On today's show, our intrepid hosts discuss... By the time you read this, we'll be in Pandaria! Alas, Theramore - our thoughts on the Theramore scenario. Blue posts, news, and other interesting topics this week: Rho from Realm Maintenance compiled a list of all the pre-Mists developer interviews with community sites. Blizzard posts information on Cross Realm Zone issues and status. Blizzard posts Tier 14 Armor Set previews! We did a brief interview with Rho from Realm Maintenance! Until next time, get in touch with us with questions, comments, and feedback at... Email us: craftingazeroth@gmail.com Announcements: @CraftingAzeroth Breja: @The_Breja Kev: @BKCrafting