Episode 11 - Enchante, mademoiselle!

Crafting Azeroth show

Summary: (Recorded on Monday, October 8, 2012) On today's show, our intrepid hosts discuss... A modest proposal: Li Li Stormstout - Warchief - 2012. Focus on Enchanting in Mists of Pandaria. This week's Patch 5.0.5 hotfixes Upcoming changes to how your alts will earn faction rep. Daxxari Zarhym give us a sneak peak at changes coming in the 5.1 PTR. Until next time, get in touch with us with questions, comments, and feedback at... Email us: craftingazeroth@gmail.com Announcements: @CraftingAzeroth Breja: @The_Breja Kev: @BKCrafting