Liberty Rising

Energy Awareness hosted by T Love show

Summary: Author Robert Allen Bonelli has written a treatise on liberty that is different from most currently published works on the subject. It is a modern-day Common Sense, educating the reader to the potential threat to American liberty in a reasoned but passionate way. He pulls together relevant American history; a review of societal structures and philosophies; the Constitution; our nation's financial challenges; individual values; a clear and historically supported presentation of the threat to liberty from within; and positive peaceful solutions to the vanquishing the threat. As he writes near the close of his work, "We are a people of liberty who have awakened to see our liberty threatened; who have joined the battle and are ready to defend our liberty." He concludes with these words, "When we acknowledge the sacrifice of so many throughout our history and allow their sacrifice to inflame a passion for freedom that will burn forever, then we will stand together, looking out over a free world made safer by this great nation and we will all admire the brilliant light of liberty rising."