CodeCast Episode 79: VS 2010 Shell Products with Nathan Halstead

CodeCast show

Summary: CodeCast Episode 79: VS 2010 Shell Products with Nathan HalsteadIn this episode of CodeCast, Ken Levy interviews Nathan Halstead of Microsoft, program manager on the Visual Studio Platform team responsible for the Visual Studio Shell (Isolated and Integrated) Shell products, as well as the Visual Studio SDK. Discussed in-depth is an overview of the isolated and integrated shells for both VS 2008 and the new VS 2010, scenarios for using one or both shell products, Microsoft partners and others using the free shell runtime. Nathan also covers what’s new in the VS SDK for developing for the VS 2010 Shell runtimes, and how the VS SDK is used to create VS packages, MEF components, and VSIX projects for use with the VS 2010 Shell products.Links ·         Visual Studio Shell, Integrated Mode and Isolated Mode ·         Visual Studio developer center ·         Visual Studio Team Blog ·         Twitter: @VSEditor Length: 46:39 Posted @ 11:00 PM by CodeCast (