PMB014 Goodbye Girl: West Midlands Retro-Futuristic Pop (Broadcast, Basil Kirchin, Belbury Poly, Herbie Mann, Plone, Pram, Roj, Seeland, Trish Keenan, Christine O'Donnell)

Project Moonbase – The Historic Sound of the Future | Unusual music show | Podcast | Space cult | show

Summary: We celebrate the life of Broadcast's Trish Keenan who, passed away on Friday. Broadcast were the epitome of retro-futurism and were doing "hauntology" a good decade or more before the term was coined. Their music sounded like it was recorded in a parallel splintered dimension of space crystals. Broadcast were also, in our humble opinion, the greatest of the plethora of bands exploring this sonic landscape which sprung up in the West Midlands in the mid-90s.