Paul Simmonds: The Jericho Challenge - Finalist Architecture Presentations and Awards

Black Hat Briefings, Las Vegas 2005 [Audio] Presentations from the security conference show

Summary: The days of the corporate network, completely isolated with a well-secured outer shell are long gone; yet we continue to cling to this model. Global networks with no borders, offer the potential of substantial savings in communications costs, maximum network agility and instant connectivity for clients and partners. Can you secure this incredibly compelling business model, and provide a long-term business case for security where security contributes to the corporate bottom line? Can the CISO be seen as a true partner in corporate strategic thinking? What does business need from its suppliers to make this a feasible reality? What do you need to be doing now to achieve this goal? The Jericho Challenge is an industry-wide competition with for secure architecture design and related Jericho compliancy concepts, available at The top three finalists will present their papers during this session. Judges will give cash awards to papers that contribute most to the debate on Jericho Architecture. Contact for entrance rules and regulations. Paul Simmonds joined ICI in 2001 when he was recruited to head up Information Security for ICI, working for the CIO Office in London. Prior to joining ICI he spent a short time with a high security European web hosting company as Head of Information Security, and before that seven years with Motorola, again in a global information security role. Paul is also a founding member of the Jericho Forum, a pan-global grouping of corporate companies working to define the issues and benefits of operating in a deperimiterised environment. In his career he has worked with many external agencies, including the FBI, Scotland Yard, Wiltshire Computer Crime and Wiltshire Child protection. He has also been directly involved in two successful criminal prosecutions, giving evidence in one case. Paul has a degree in Electronic Engineering and a City and Guilds in Radio Communication and is also a qualified kayak coach. He came to the Information Security field from a background in IT Systems Implementation and consultancy during which he wrote and implemented one of the UK's first web sites. He is married with three children and a very understanding wife and in the little spare time that he has teaches canoeing and runs charity radio stations.