Does Parenting Make You Happier or More Miserable? (Episode 50)

Smalley Marriage Radio show

Summary: Learn once and for all whether parenting makes you miserable or happy! New studies are popping up from researchers trying to find an answer. If you have kids, you probably already know the answer...but I am going to talk about it anyways! And it’s our 50th show! Who knew! And by the way, if you haven’t left a review yet in iTunes, don’t be shy, it’s easy to do and it really lets me know you’re listening (and other’s too). This article is from GOOD Lifestyle ( One study of 909 working moms in Texas found that day-to-day, they "enjoy parenting less than watching TV, shopping, or preparing food." Other studies have "linked parenthood to lower marital satisfaction on average" and a "higher prevalence of depression." Studies have shown that parents register "decreases in life satisfaction in the months after childbirth." In 2009, the Journal of Happiness Studies published a paper announcing that the effect of children on life satisfaction is actually "positive, large and increasing in the number of children"—before retracting the results due to a coding error. In fact, the research showed, the effect of parenting on satisfaction "is small, often negative, and never statistically significant.” Parental happiness researcher Nattavudh Powdthavee says he launched his own study of the matter "to explore why, in spite of the research, he does want to be a parent." (His research found no happiness benefit for having kids). And further on down the article: Really, the researchers found that "parenthood was associated with greater satisfaction and happiness only among fathers"—mothers aren't happier than childless women. Happiness isn't everything. The researchers did find one consistent psychological benefit for parents across age, gender, and marital status—all parents reported "a stronger sense of meaning in life" than did people without kids. If you really want to be happy, with or without children: Keep your eyes upward Check your expectations Understand the true benefit of trials Surrender BROUGHT TO YOU BY SMALLEY CENTER - 96% OF OUR FORMER COUPLES WOULD RECOMMEND OUR PROGRAM TO YOU IF YOUR MARRIAGE NEEDED HELP! CALL US AT 800-975-8748. My dad's best parenting series! It's a classic and still right on in raising healthy, loving kids CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE This is Amy and me giving 5 keys to better kids! CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE ARTIST HIGHLIGHT FOURTEEN40 – Lucky Number 13 – Click here to view on iTunes