Podcast 3: The Arcy

Episodes – Ventchat show

Summary: This week the boys are joined by Arcy, secret priestess queen of all things healing.  We talk about our experiences in the Dungeon Finder, our raids this week, pets and mounts, and a million other things.  Sauce starts off the podcast by eating a muffin.  Nice and classy Sauce. OUR WEEK IN WOW: Tales from the Dungeon Finder - 497 DPS Our fun with Lady Deathwhisper Gunship Battle - Esta's on a boat! (The wrong boat) Saurfang is sour Arcy dings a druid, Fen becomes an (off spec) tree! Rogues - Spec Mut + spam two buttons = profit Icecrown Loot - Bows and healing leather only...thanks Stupid Winter Veil - Fen is a Grinch PVPing with a gnome illusion (destroy them and drink their tears) Arcy's stuff collecting!  Pets and Mounts ahoy! Favorite pets and mounts Corehound pet and authenticators Blizzard Store Pets Things that make noise passively destroy Fen's mind RAID: Phasing bugs in Icecrown - have fun summoning with people who can't see you Ashen Verdict rep reward rings  - You get 4 choices...Because Blizz CAN'T give you 5 Proc happy loot in Icecrown Loot table discussion PVP: PVP gearing system in Cataclysm Arena style loot without the arena? Comp dependency in arenas Wintergrasp built in bonuses for losing factions? PVE: Battered hilt drop rate increased - for everyone except us The new dungeons - They ain't no Magisters' Terrace MISCELLANEOUS: Tom Chilton interview from Champions' Carnival in Taiwan and WorldofWar.de -Wardrobe feature to bank -Heirloom items for every slot -In-game voice chat (sucks) -"Instance spectator" mode for arenas and raids -No plans for in game housing -Arenas a mistake because of balancing issues? -No Old Ironforge in the expansion but...changed Stormwind? -Patch 3.4 before the expansion??? DISCUSSION TOPIC: Is Blizzard removing the immersion of the game by making getting around too easy? NEXT WEEK'S DISCUSSION TOPIC: Cataclysm stat removal:  Taking the math out of being a good player, or dumbing down WoW? MUSIC FROM THIS SHOW: Waiting So Long:  METISSE, Jeunesse The Dreamer's Overture:  JT Bruce, The Dreamer's Paradox All music on the show is Creative Commons Licensed and is freely available.  If you enjoy any of the music please support the artists that created it.