Podcast 7: Lady Gamer Roundtable (LADIES NIGHT)

Episodes – Ventchat show

Summary: On this episode we have four amazing women who not ONLY are tanks, healers and DPS that play World of Warcraft, they raid at an endgame level.  Fen, Sauce and Esta chat with Val, Sachi, Arcy and Eivez about their experiences as WoW players, gaming in general, and anything and everything else...no holds barred.  The ladies are even subjected to a few filthy questions from our old pal Turdhat.  Hold on to your hats, you're not going to want to miss a minute of this one. OUR WEEK IN WOW: Meet the ladies! Pugcast rocks, listen to them. Authenticated. Esta is OVER 9000! (What's wrong with you!) How many achievement points do you have? Our raids this week: Blood Prince Council 25/10 Royally screwed on Queen (UPDATE: Got her right after we recorded this, tune in next week!) Rotface/Festergut LET'S TALK TO THE LADIES Sachi - Tank -Paladin Eivez - Healer -Priest (Disc) Arcy - Healer - Priest (Holy) Valerial - DPS - Mage Do you visit "girl gamer" sites? Have you met people that thought you wouldn't be "good" or a knowledgeable gamer BECAUSE you're a girl? Have you ever embarrassed a guy in game and laughed in his (virtual) face? Do people ever not believe you're REALLY a girl? Have you even been hit on in game?  How do guys try to pick you up? TANK GIRL! Introverted male gamers and mixed signals... Has the fact that you are female in real life ever been an advantage to you in game?  Do you get treated better in game?  Given free stuff? What do you think about the female outfits in WoW or other games? PUG GROUP HORRORS OF THE WEEK All of our stories of terrible groups... NEWS! New raid boss fixes Lich King unlocks February 2nd(US)/3rd(EU) Resilience Changes (Val's potty mouth!) Hunter Ammo (Costly!) Heroism/Bloodlust - More credit then it deserves? Classes in general and power swings with patches Healing numbers versus doing the right things in raids Sauce pick-up line PHONE CALLS Deluxa! TURDHAT CORNER Have you ever tried to benefit from an exploit? Turd's message to the ladies How did you get into gaming? Val's Japanese gaming experiences! Our raid leader's wife is more hard core than he is? (We kid) What do the women wear when they game? Turdhat's song/send me your pics DISCUSSION TOPIC: What would you like to see changed about the way we acquire gear? Choices of set bonuses? More Badge gear, ALL tokens in raids (even for weapons)? Things only drop for classes IN the raid? More class specific loot? NEXT WEEK'S DISCUSSION TOPIC: If you could add a new boss fight or encounter, what would it be?  Fighting in the air on jetpacks?  New vehicles?  Underwater combat? (Sauce has something in the works...) ITUNES AND EMAIL SHOUT OUT! CdubCity - You rock our socks, thanks man! MUSIC FROM THIS SHOW Orlando, Co2, Co2 Daniel Bautista, Recycle Bin, Fractal 1 All music on the show is Creative Commons Licensed and is freely available.  If you enjoy any of the music please support the artists that created it.