Podcast 8: The Rating Of The Lich King

Episodes – Ventchat show

Summary: We tear apart everything from this expansion and rate it.  All of the raids, and as much of the new stuff as we can handle.  Tune in and find out what we did this week, our ratings for everything WotLK, interesting news, Turdhat's Corner, our discussion topic...and so much more.  Check it out or you'll be sorry. OUR WEEK IN WOW: Our raids this week!  Guild gets realm second achievement! Esta and Bacon "pug" Nax 10 for the Immortal achievement... The Aftermath... Sauce's random dungeon story THE RATING OF THE LICH KING We rate EVERYTHING to do with this expansion, rating A-F... Turdhat sends us something to rate... NEWS Invincible Mount DPS race fights Titles mistakenly given out to 2v2 arean teams Are trinkets the new tier sets? Tier 10 tank armor changes Night Elf Mohawk - GONE! Gunship Battle development article:  http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/underdev/gunship-battle.xml 6 points about Cataclysm talent trees TURDHAT CORNER Class in WoW with the biggest..."jerks"? Guild Leader and Raid Leader roles, and discipline Turdhat's poem DISCUSSION TOPIC: If you could add a new boss encounter, what would it be? NEXT WEEK'S DISCUSSION TOPIC: Using gear designed for other classes.  (So potential questions to answer may be:) Is it ok? Has it ever pissed you off? Are you happy changes are being made in Cataclysm to promote wearing "your" gear? Etc. MUSIC FROM THIS WEEK'S SHOW: Daniel Bautista, "15" - Fuego Camina Conmigo and In The Desert