Podcast 11: Cataclysm is 3.3.3% Done

Episodes – Ventchat show

Summary: This week's news?  Another patch before Cataclysm is coming, which means Cataclysm is that much further away.  We give you our opinions of the ins and the outs of what is changing.  Fen is boozing, Esta is cracking jokes, and Sauce gives us a new song.  Join us as we take your calls and destroy our own egos in an attempt to make you laugh. OUR WEEK N WOW: Love is in the Air Fun with the Dungeon Finder Lich King 10s BONE STORM!!! NEWS: 3.3.3! Gnomer no more? Vendor to sell orbs, eternals and lotus? Extended deserter debuff for true deserters World event bosses in the dungeon finder Titansteel cooldown GONE!  Tailoring cooldowns GONE! Auction house changes = auction house mods WINTERGRASP:  EXPOSED! Battleground and honor changes, random daily battleground ahoy! Frost Lotus drop rate increased! Pandaren sales, 1.1 million given to Make-A-Wish Tom Chilton interview thoughts YOUR PHONE CALLS! TURDHAT'S CORNER! DISCUSSION TOPIC: Holiday Achievements:  Do you like them or are they a waste of your WoW time?  Would you like to see more "tangilbe" rewards for holiday type achievements like the 310 speed mount, or should rewards be left to raiding? NEXT WEEK'S DISCUSSION TOPIC: How do you balance real life and WoW?  Does WoW take the place of other leisure activities?  Do you set limits on your play time?  Do you only play certain times or do you just play as much as you like? MUSIC FROM THIS WEEK'S SHOW: Le Zaarth - Evolution, V § R T 3 X Sonar - Celluloid, Kalamar All music on the show is Creative Commons Licensed and is freely available.  If you enjoy any of the music please support the artists that created it.