Nowhere to Run - 11/28/08 - Dr. Gerald Schroeder

The Black Vault Radio Network: NowheretoRun show

Summary: Dr. Gerald Schroeder on Genesis & The Big Bang Theory. Today, we look at time going backward. We see 15 billion years. Looking forward from when the universe is very small – billions of times smaller – the Torah says six days. In truth, they both may be correct. What’s exciting about the last few years in cosmology is we now have quantified the data to know the relationship of the “view of time” from the beginning, relative to the “view of time” today. It’s not science fiction any longer. Any one of a dozen physics text books all bring the same number. The general relationship between time near the beginning and time today is a million million. That’s a 1 with 12 zeros after it. So when a view from the beginning looking forward says “I’m sending you a pulse every second,” would we see it every second? No. We’d see it every million million seconds. Because that’s the stretching effect of the expansion of the universe.